VBA EXCEL macros - automation
Some examples of Auotmation done with VBA. The Excel macros are showcased here and can also be downloaded.

VBA EXCEL macros - automation

2023, Jul 20    

Here are some examples of Auotmation done with VBA. The Excel macros are showcased here and can also be downloaded.

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I have worked with VBA since I joined Evalueserve in 2017 and here below are some of the macros I have built. I also built VBA macros while working at Jarislowsky (I wasn’t allowed to take my work with me however). In fact, at Jarislowsky I fully automated many of my processes (using IT tools and SQL as well).

1. Macro ‘Americas’ - Pricing Macro

I developped this macro while I was working at Evalueserve. This macro was linked to a Deutch bank server, to retrieve the data the macro connected with the server and used SQL queries.

2. Budget tracker

1. International Securities Identification Number

1. Portfolio management macro